On roadmaps for sitemaps

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m looking into re-working things a little bit for some of my “online presence”.

Right now my personal site is just a static landing page. It’s generated by Hugo and links to other things (this blog, my Tumblr, GitLab/GitHub, Twitter, &cet.)—and I think it’s time to start consolidating some of that.

This blog will be moving to a static-site generator soon, too (again, Hugo). The domain and all links will remain active, but I’d like it to also live under a /blog directory on my personal site. I’ll continue to write longer-form posts here.

My Tumblr, Break Before Make, will shift roles to becoming more of a linkblog—I have a huge backlog of stuff in Instapaper that I want to start sharing, and I think this is probably a better option than starting a newsletter. I’d also like to pull those posts into the /blog directory, between the MBB posts. It’ll stay on Tumblr because I like its sharing capabilities via its iOS app.

I’m also think of adding /now and /using pages to my personal site, to discuss my projects and my tools, respectively. The former is supposed to keep you focussed on what you’re doing, which I often need help with; the latter I’m not sure about, because really, I’m more interested in results than I am in tools—but maybe workflows will be of interest to some.

So that’s the plan. Initially I’d hoped to have completed at least moving this site to a static generator by the end of February, but, well… time makes fools of us all.

More tk…

Angelo Stavrow

Montreal, Canada
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Mobile/full-stack developer. Montrealer. Internet gadabout. Your biggest fan.