Angelo Stavrow

A personal internet website

About this site

This is my personal website and blog. If you’d like to know more about what I’m up to at the moment, check out my now page, or have a look at my blog. You can get in touch with me via email, and if you’d like to work with me, check out this page.


This site includes a philosphy.txt. Check it out.

What you’ll find here

I enjoy writing, which is good, because I’m terrible at it and they say that the only way to improve is through practice. From here on out, this is where my writing will live. I write about pretty much whatever topic comes to mind, but it’s typically focused on development, of both the personal and software persuasion.

Where you’ll find more of my stuff

There’s a row of social-network icons at the bottom of this site, linking to my various profiles.

Privacy policy

UPDATED 2021-08-26:

I’ve chosen to use Plausible Analytics to track usage of websites that I maintain (including this one) because it does a great job of providing useful data without, in their own words, “collecting any personal data or personally identifiable information (PII), without using cookies and while respecting the privacy of [our] website visitors” — this means that you’re not tracked across devices, websites, and apps. If you like what you read, I hope you’ll come back. If not, I’ll try to do better.

You can see exactly what I see here.

If you email me, I’ll read your email! By extension, that means I will have a record of your email address. I won’t use it for anything other than replying to you without your explicit, written consent.

I used to use affiliate links to generate revenue. They… didn’t. I don’t use affiliate links any more. I’ve tried to go back and remove them from old posts, but if I’ve missed any, please let me know.